Soul and Ego Therapy with Kundalini Yoga

By Guru Rattana, Ph.D. (other events)

Sunday, April 30 2023 10:00 AM 12:00 PM PDT

Great news! You can become your own therapist when your soul and ego hold hands and help teach each other to

♥ Remove false identities and release wounded programming.

♥ Accept life lessons, reinterpret ego stories, reveal deeper meaning.

♥ Let go of resistance to and be present with your life experiences.

♥ Use your free will to make optimal life choices.

♥ See, accept, align with, and love the magic of reality and of your soul.

In each LEVEL DEEP workshop, Guru Rattana shares with you how practice and teach Kundalini Yoga in a way that releases (not creates) resistance, stress, and inner conflict. A kinder, subtler, heart-centered approach to your practice makes it possible to be receptive to and relax into the flow of life and love.

Register now to experience for yourself the effects of this amazing life-changing technology.  

Please share with your students and friends. I thank you, and they will thank you too!

Many blessings,

Guru Rattana :+)